Acupuncture is widely recognized as an effective treatment for a wide range of issues. Hospitals and insurance companies, as well as agencies such as the WHO and NIH, increasingly support acupuncture as a treatment regimen for everything from pain, nausea, insomnia, and high blood pressure to addiction because they know acupuncture works.
The growing acceptance of acupuncture is due in part to its modernization by practitioners, such as Tony Watkins, who incorporate traditional modalities with cutting edge technology, such as the use of e-stim.
Educated in both China and the United States, graduated from the Pacific School of Oriental Medicine in New York, and licensed by the state of New York, Tony will work with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that is both realistic and affordable.
Tony is an in-network provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield. In addition, Tony is an out of network provider with all major medical insurance plans, as well as no-fault.